Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hecate in skimpy costume?

This is probably only moderately interesting to most of you, but I'm gathering information about depictions of Hekate (or Hecate) in popular culture and figured that I might as well post them here.

The Blue Room Theatre exposes the sexually perverted exploits of "Bluebeard," a deranged scientist on a mysterious island, in very graphic detail.

And I do mean graphic.

This melodrama by Charles Ludlam first appeared in a Manhattan bar in 1970. "Bluebeard" is based on H.G. Wells' "Island of Dr. Moreau" and an obscure fairy tale.


At some point, Hecate pops up from down below and talks to Bluebeard. (The reviewers consistently refer to her as the "Goddess of Hell", but not having read the script I don't know if that's how she's described in the play.)

If anyone could point me to a picture from this production, or previous ones, I'd be eternally greatful for at least ten minutes.

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